Thursday, May 6, 2010


I will just be plain honest with you.................. Keeping a routine is sheer exhaustion on a mother!! I know it is for their benefit and they do better when structure is in place but I am exhausted ☻ And another thing being consistent is enough to make you go crazy!! If you can tell I am venting a little bit but some of you have been asking me how it is going so I don't want to sugar coat it!! We have only left the house this week for: church twice, groceries and two errands. I have to say I am enjoying that. Once you leave the house you are spending money no matter what you do....gas...... Which since I drive the Titanic I have to watch where I go and how often. But I am keeping my head up, I have seen a small tiny improvement in Abby's behavior so there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have been enjoying our new backyard and picnic table, I have included some pictures of the girls eating their watermelon, which they absolutely love. After we finished eating watermelon we went to the Big Church to help clean, which the girls did a wonderful job helping! Which was comical because after they cleaned their window they pressed their faces against it to look at everyone on the inside! Although Emma was actually looking at herself, very closely!!The highlight of their evening after cleaning was getting to talk Bro. Brown!


  1. It IS so hard... especially the first few weeks... or at least it was to me. Or even if your routine gets "thrown off"- takes us a few days to get it back! But so worth it! The consistency thing-- TOTALLY WITH YOU ON THAT ONE! That would explain why when bedtime (for the kids) rolls around I nearly pass out from being SOOOOO exhausted! :P I love it though! :)

  2. I think the truth in being a procrastinator is coming out!!! Here are the pictures, just a few days late!!

  3. Yes, it is hard, but nothing worth having comes easy! I, too, am struggling with consistency. My girlies are driving me bonkers, but I know it is me. I have too many irons in the fire &, if I wan them all to work, I have to focus first on training....You NEVER stop learning. If you do, you're dead (literally & figuratively!)
