Thursday, October 28, 2010

Taking It Easy

I am taking it a lot easier these days just enjoying my girls and their toddler years, which for the twins are almost over, they are 5 in December.......... Time has flown by and I can't tell how sad I am that they are so big... Their young years are a totaly blur except for the "big" moments, sad to say. I had been reading several parenting books and organizing/scheduling my time and spent most of the time beating myself up for failing to be just like the parents in the book. SO I decided to put them aside, almost immediately I felt a weight lifted off of me and alot of guilt as well, and I am following the MAIN book the Bible as my parenting guide. I don't want to offend anyone that reads parenting books it was just a little overwhelming for me personally. So we are spending a lot of time doing the small things, making crafts and outside. I have gotten totally relaxed with school but they are only four and three. And I also want to clear up that I can not teach them together, the 15months between Abby and the twins really shows up when doing school. Her attention span is a lot shorter. To help I have been teaching them separately which they like a lot. I figure they will have enough time to go to school when the time comes!!
They are growing so fast I can barely keep up with all the new things they are saying and doing like I should. I beat myself up all the time for not journaling, I sure feel alot of better if I would JUST do it..... So hopefully I will start ☻We have started going to prayer meeting on Wed mornings and the girls really like it. Yesterday they gave prayer request and then sang "I am Glad He laid His Hand on Me", makes a mommy proud! The other day I was driving and Anna/Emma started singing "There's Just Something About that Name". I am so thankful my children sing and know church songs, God has used them more than once to sing a song at just the right moment that I needed to hear from God. I am not trying to boast I am just thankful that my children love church, they get so excited when we go and I hope and pray it stays that way!! Chad was out working and saw a Thanksgiving tree so he suggested we do that and we did! The girls just love it and it makes it feel more like Fall even when it is 90 degrees outside. So we are just really enjoying ourselves!!


  1. Thanksgiving Tree, what an awesome idea. I know the girls love that. As for the parenting books, etc. They can be overwhelming. I personally do read them, always looking for something else that will be helpful to our "special" situation. :o) In saying that, I don't read them all the way through most times, but only find a few nuggets to help. The Bible, of course is the best book of all. Again, love the tree.

  2. I agree with the book thing. I have found that right now the best thing I can do sometimes is fall down on my knees and ask the Lord what I need to do. The other day I even grabbed my girls and we prayed together. The calm and peace that filled our home at that moment they can't write in the books I've read. I also am so thankful that my girls love church. It seems that since Sophia could talk she has asked to go to church; and now I catch her having church with Maya in her room. This is something that I pray everyday goes deep down in their hearts. If I am not there someday when they are older I want them to look back and say that their mommy pointed them to Jesus.
