Friday, May 27, 2011

Good Mom.....Bad Mom

The thought that goes through my head every night as I lay in bed re living the days events, all that we did or did not do, my endless to do list, did I discipline enough or was I to slack, did something happen today that will forever change their character..... SERIOUSLY????? I answer myself "Come on, get a grip" But let's be honest for some unknown or known reason we as moms seem to have this daily battle of good mom bad mom syndrome, which if you think about it is usually our own expectations of ourselves or the idea of motherhood that we have conjured up in our head!! I am not really even sure why I am writing this except to encourage myself and anyone else that might read... Don't be so hard on yourself. Motherhood is suppose to be a joyful time in our lives that passes all to quickly. Hold you head up high, chest out and know that if your children are happy, loved and loving you are probably doing a great job!! So close all the how to mother books, ease up on reading all the blogs and enjoy this time!! We are moms, hear us roar!!